Chiropractic Testimonials
"Dr Evan and Dr Ryan have been great and the ladies are amazing as well! I can feel major differences now and I’m glad I started going. If you’ve been contemplating going to a chiropractor, just do it!"
- Gino M.
"TruRoots has given me a better quality of life by effectively eliminating my plantar fasciitis and significantly reducing my chronic back and pelvic pain from scoliosis. Everyone in the office is also very friendly, so each visit is always lovely."
- Jenna M.
"10/10 recommend. Dr. Evan is wonderful! My husband and I are so pleased with the care he has provided for our 4 year old son. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about chiropractic care. In the last 4 months we have seen significant improvement with our son’s behavior, focus, and overall health. The entire staff is very friendly and helpful. We love them!"
- Hannah O.
"The staff and Dr Pridmore are just amazing here. I look forward to my visits and feel fantastic every time I get adjusted. Dr Pridmore really cares about my overall well being and loves answering my questions! I also love how efficient the office is run so I'm in and out fast."
- Amy R.
“For months I’d had back and hip pain while pregnant due to former back and hip injury. My midwife suggested chiropractic after admission to the ER for pain. After being under care I was able to reduce my anti-inflammatory meds, pain meds, and bed rest. Every pregnancy I would get pain so bad during 1-2 trimester that I couldn’t walk or weight bare on my hip. I saw another chiropractor in VT while living there. I received enough relief to know it was a key to functioning during pregnancy. After finding TruRoots Chiropractic, the care and variety of treatment so surpassed any previous care, that I continued with care after my pregnancy. Now with #3 I’ve experienced little to no pain and have been able to space out treatment. It has been a night and day difference.”
- Brystol
“Dr. Evan is the first and only chiropractor (out of a dozen I’ve tried) that gave me relief! Others either told me I would just have to ‘deal with’ the hip pain until I delivered the baby and others kept me coming back with little to no improvement but Dr. Evan had me moving, exercising, and feeling AMAZING through my pregnancy!”
- Stephanie
Infertility & Menstrual Dysfunction
“I experienced neck pain, menstrual irregularity, and frequent ear infections. The neck pain would become so severe I would take 800mg of ibuprofen up to 4x a day. My menstrual cycles were so infrequent and painful that I ended up having 2 different surgeries to reduce the symptoms- neither one helped. My ear infections were so frequent that I was scheduled to have tubes put in my ears. But now after being under chiropractic care I no longer needed the tubes, in fact this was the first time of my adult life (possibly entire life) that I had zero ear infections during the winter season! My cycles have started to regulate and are less painful as well as the neck pain I was experiencing.”
- Kristi
Headaches & Migraines
“I started seeing Dr. Evan from low back pain and chronic migraines. The pain in my low back caused me to miss out on a lot of outdoor activities that I really enjoyed doing. My migraines were so bad I would have to stop everything I was doing and go lay down. This would happen 3-4 times a week. I went to multiple doctors and specialist, took different medications, and even had a head CT done to see if they could figure out what was causing my migraines. After starting care and being adjusted regularly my back pain and migraines decreased as well as my vertigo/dizziness. I am now able to function better and I am in a better mood every day. My overall quality of life has improved since I started going to TruRoots Chiropractic!”
- Leanne
“For over a year, I was in constant pain from headaches. It was hindering my ability to focus. I also experienced catching of my lower back; it was painful and made it difficult to walk. Occasionally, I had headaches that lasted all day, for multiple days. I couldn’t focus and never wanted to do anything except lay down. My pediatrician, another chiropractor, and a neurologist worked with me to change my daily habits, prescribed multiple medications, and ran diagnostic scans and x-rays. We couldn’t find the cause of my headaches or a solution. I was prescribed medication for stress which was believed to be the cause of my headaches. The medication worked temporarily, but my headaches came back, and I started suffering from side effects. I had doubts and was skeptical, after seeing the previous chiropractor for a year with poor results. But this office is different. TruRoots Chiropractic is very informative, up to date, friendly and a wonderful environment with helpful and personable staff. Since being under care my headaches are much less frequent and severe. I rarely have them!. The low back pain that I was experiencing is no longer a problem. Dr. Evan also fixed a shoulder problem that was causing me pain during daily activity. I have had a great experience and I am so happy I found this practice!”
- Leslie
“I was having upper back pain problems, headaches, and lack of sleep before coming here to TruRoots Chiropractic. After a few adjustments I no longer have back pain, fewer headaches, and I am sleeping much better. Treatment has also helped me with my menstrual cycles, I can stand longer without having heel pain, and I no longer have the mental fogginess I was constantly experiencing.”
- Jessica
Numbness & Tingling
“Before starting chiropractic care I experienced tingling in my hands and arms, as well as experienced low back and hip pain. Both restricted my activities at the gym and at work. In two weeks, I have no more tingling in my hands or arms. For the first time in years I am pain free in all areas of my body. I no longer experience low back pain or hip pain. The staff is very knowledgeable and have awesome personalities. I was skeptical coming in the first night, but I am so thankful I took the leap for my health. It was one of the best decisions I have made.”
- Bethany
"I experienced numbness in my hands and feet and back pain for years. My hands had got bad enough that it affected my ability to play the guitar. My feet were in constant pain. I was seen by a neurologist and M.D. They ran extensive testing but could only offer pain meds. Since being under care I have reduced my Gabapentin and the use of over the counter pain meds. I was not sure about chiropractic at the time, so I thought I would give it a try. The office is a wonderful place, with cheerful and caring staff. The facility is clean, educational and efficient. I am in the early stages of my treatment, but the results have exceeded my expectations. I feel better overall, and I would recommend chiropractic to others who are sick, suffering, or in pain."
- Earnest
"Dr. Evan and all his staff are very professional, friendly and helpful. I came with pain and numbness in one thigh with the thought something might be pinched. My issue has fully resolved since coming under his care. I’ve continued with a maintenance plan and it has helped me maintain my pain free status. Dr Evan is very knowledgeable about the human body and its proper function. He always has interesting information to share. You can tell he loves what he does!"
- Michelle
Neck, Back & Joint Pain
“I came in for pain in my right shoulder, neck, and lower back. After only a few adjustments my pain was almost gone. Now after a couple months of being under care my pain is completely gone! And on top of that I was able to greatly decrease my blood pressure medication. Now that I am getting adjusted regularly my body is functioning better on its own and no longer needs all the medication.”
- Vickie
“Neck and shoulders have been an issue for me for years. I have always seemed to carry stress in my neck and shoulders. I started seeing Dr. Evan last fall (2019) and started seeing improvements immediately. As my body throws new issues at me, we adjust accordingly. I used to be a daily Ibuprofen user and now I seldom take it. My sleep has been the most improved aspect of my experience with TruRoots Chiropractic. Overall daily aches and pains that I had become accustomed to, that I actually didn’t even realize I was experiencing until they were gone, have diminished greatly. If you are looking for a positive change in your overall health, you should treat yourself to an evaluation and see what improvements can come from regular visits.”
- Jennifer
“For years I experienced IBS, knee pain, and trouble sleeping. I had no idea chiropractic care could help with these symptoms until I started going to TruRoots Chiropractic. They utilize state of the art technology that allows for quick answers for the Doctor and for myself to get a true assessment on how my body is functioning. I had gone to other chiropractors in the past for back and leg pain and would start to feel a little better and after a while I thought this was as far as “feeling better” was going to get. I had purchased at least 3 pillows to try and get a good night’s rest, I had to know where a bathroom was at all time, and I couldn’t walk up a set of stairs without knee pain. I was doubtful that chiropractic would be able to help me anymore and decided my symptoms all come with old age. After being under care for only a couple months I have already noticed a change. I am now sleeping better each night and not waking up as much, my ability to go up and down stairs has improved, I have more range of motion, and just the overall function of my body has improved. I would recommend chiropractic care to anyone that is sick, suffering, or looking to better their lives.”
- Jean
“I came to TruRoots Chiropractic because I was suffering from pain in my neck, shoulders, and low back. I experienced sciatic nerve pain that radiated down the back of both legs, it was excruciating, and at times would cause me to lose sleep. I had to use a cane to walk. Physical therapy helped some but did not eliminate the problem. I’ve had good experiences with chiropractic, so I had no doubt I could be helped. Dr. Evan and the staff are wonderful. They make me feel comfortable and I feel they have my best interest at heart. I have had great results! After only a few weeks under care I was able to reduce the amount of anti-inflammatory medications that I was taking. I no longer walk with a cane and I sleep all night without pain! My sciatic nerve pain is completely gone. I began to see results after just a few visits and have continued to see results. Dr. Evan is very thorough and addresses any problems I might have. I would recommend TruRoots Chiropractic to anyone searching for relief.”
- Nelda
“I began seeing Dr. Evan Pridmore three months ago about some issues I was having with my lower back. I immediately felt at ease with him and felt I was in good hands. My lower back had been getting worse and I was having difficulty sleeping and sitting due to pain. He gave me my first treatment and explained each step he was taking. I woke up the next morning after having the best sleep I had in months. I have continued to improve and look forward to my appointments. One day I mentioned my tennis elbow. He worked on it for a few minutes and within a week almost all of the soreness disappeared. He has also worked on my knees, which I have had meniscus surgery on both. I am walking like I did before my knees were injured. My youngest son slipped a disc from playing basketball. He couldn’t even walk and within one treatment he saw improvement. My wife had disc issues that were going to become very serious if not addressed. Within weeks she saw progress. When I started care I had hopes that Dr. Evan could help my back. But Dr. Evan has given me much, much more. Him and his staff are always professional and put the welfare of his patients first. I thank him profusely after every visit because I know I am very fortunate to be under his care.”
- Mike
“Michael is autistic and had issues with water touching him, trouble communicating clearly, and had occasional meltdowns. Michael now washes his own hair without fuss, swims and floats in the pool and he does it without fear, and he can now have complete conversations! He is learning how to better process his emotions and is starting to bond with extended family. Michael has since joined the boy scouts and is enjoying it! There have been a few activities that were overwhelming for him but he does not want to give up anymore. All of this progress has been made after only 4 months of care.”
- Amanda, Michael’s Mom

10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
TruRoots Health Center
1020 Meb Ct Suite 100
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122